Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mothers Day 2015

Okay I know I have around two thousand past posts to catch up on but I have to throw a little present day in here while I try to catch up... which could take me another 2.5 years.
Mothers Day was wonderful. I was with family, I got all kinds of goodies, but most of all I am blessed to have this little girl call me Mama every day... atleast 245 times a day to be exact.

Sunday started off with breakfast in bed made by Brandon and Kennedy. Although I was awake and waiting patiently in bed for my "surprise special for you" as Kennedy would say. I didn't mind at all waiting there while B did all the work and managed to not destroy the entire house while cooking and watching the toddler.
And then in walks Kennedy holding my yellow plastic plate with an omlet made "special for me". She was so excited and so proud. She crawled up in my bed and we ate my Mothers Day breakfast together... in bed...while watching cartoons.

Later that day we had my family over for Mothers Day lunch, I hosted to give my Mom a break from always hosting everything! We had too much food, lots of laughs, presents, a sticky dirty sweet toddler, and a yummy strawberry pie. My sister Lindsey, "Aunt Winsey" came in town and Aunt Pipie was there too. Since we have had the most rain I have ever seen in my entire life recently the grass and play area outside was swampy but we still ate outside.. really so I didn't have to clean the dining room.
This is Kennedy helping her Yaya open a present.

We took Lele, Brandons mom, out to Chuys on Saturday night for Mothers Day. I love love love mexican, like I can't get enough. I think I crave chips and salsa all day everyday. Its ridicuous. So chuys was my pick of course. We invited Uncle Dustin, brandons brother, and Aunt Sarah. After dinner we came back to our house and played Farkle. If you've ever played farkle you know its a game of PURE luck. Which drives me crazy. The competitive Lacey comes out and does everything to win to only loose in the end to someone who go lucky. Ugh. But I promise it was fun!
And just because I take too many pictures... heres the girl that made me a Mama. And its the best thing I'll ever be. The most important job I'll ever have. She's our light, our happy, our life.
I thought I would throw in some Mothers Day from 2014 as well since I was on a blogging hiatus at that time. We had lunch at my Moms home last year. It was beautiful as usual! 
This is some of my crazy family on Mothers Day last 2014. We all had kale in our teeth. I promise we brush our teeth. most days. ( : 
And year and a half old baby Kennedy. Oh how I love her stage now but miss her baby days. 
Mothers Day 2014
I hope each of you had a blessed Mothers Day. May you know how important you are to someone and how much you are loved. I know my Mother is my rock and I pray that I am that to Kennedy.
"Mothers love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible"

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Meet Kennedy

Well I think its time to start up this ole bloggity blog. I follow so many fashion blogs, mom blogs, food blogs, and just everyday life blogs. Its always gets me wanting to get on this blog again.
My last post was 3 years ago tho! And I don't even know where to begin.
So I think I will start with the biggest best thing in my life...
Meet Kennedy..... our spunky, wild, funny, ornery, beautiful, sweet, loving, 2 and a half year old Kennedy Marie.
Borm September 9th, 2012 at 11:09 am on a sunday. She was a whooping 6 lb. 15 oz. and 19 inches long. She had a full head of black hair. I instantly fell in love.She wasn't crying, just looking around at everyone. She was so curious. Those big eyes of hers were wide open looking closely at each grandparent. She was able to stay with Brandon and I and not go to the nursery, which was so amazing. I didn't have to say bye to her. We spent a few days in the hospital because she had a hint of jaundice. I will blog next about our whole hospital experience and going home...

 Her newborn pictures... 6 days old and slept the entire time.
Annnnd the most gorgeous toddler award goes to.....
This little gal keeps us laughing all the time. The things she does and says sometimes I really don't know where she came up with it. However, she is a little bit of everyone in the family. Although she looks just like her Dada, she is a mini Lacey 100%... probably a little sweeter.
So just a little about her... She is always dancing or singing. In the car, at the dinner table, outside, in her playroom, everywhere and anywhere. I love her little happy spirit.
She is a creature of habbit. Once she eats and likes something she'll want it everyday every meal. She likes the same songs over and over. The same books over and over. The same toys played with for weeks. So what we do as her parents... bring out new things and get super excited about them. She loves her family so so so much. She has the most amazing aunts, grandparents, and cousins. She loves everything girlie and pricesses, goes to the store in tutus and cowgirl boots. She likes her hair fixed everyday.. don't ever leave it in her face or else. She loves the water.. any kind. Bath, pool, puddle, beach, lake. But I think that goes hand in hand with her love for being outside. Whew, this kid would be outside all day. And some days we are.
And no not everything is sunshine and butterflies. Some days I want to pull my hair out. She can be so stinkin ornery. And those moments are when I call my own mother and tell her sorry 20 times because that is exactly how I was at her age. However after her crying fits.. she always comes back over to us and says excitedly "I wanna be happy, I nice girl now". I have learned to just give her a minute or two and walk away. She always come back wanting to "be a happy girl".
So thats just a little tiny bit about our Kennedy. She is our life for sure.
Its going to take a me a while to catch up to life today on this blog. So next time maybe a little more about Kennedy and some other life stuff...
